Certainly! Based on the detailed transcript you provided, here’s a comprehensive guide on Setting Up Selenium Grid with Docker. This guide will help you understand the concepts, install Docker, execute basic Docker commands, and set up Selenium Grid using Docker containers.


Integrating Selenium Grid with Docker enhances your automation framework by enabling parallel test executions across multiple browsers and operating systems. This setup not only optimizes resource usage but also simplifies the management of test environments.

1. Introduction to Docker

Docker is a platform that allows developers to package applications into containers—standardized executable components combining application source code with the operating system (OS) libraries and dependencies required to run that code in any environment.

Key Concepts:

  • Images: Read-only templates used to create containers.
  • Containers: Runnable instances of Docker images.
  • Docker Hub: A cloud-based repository where Docker images are stored and shared.

2. Understanding Containerization vs. Virtualization

  • Virtualization: Involves creating multiple virtual machines (VMs) on a single physical machine, each with its own OS. VMs are resource-intensive and can be costly to maintain.
  • Containerization: Uses containers to run multiple isolated applications on a single host OS. Containers share the host OS kernel, making them lightweight and efficient.

Advantages of Containerization:

  • Efficiency: Lower overhead compared to VMs.
  • Portability: Containers can run consistently across different environments.
  • Scalability: Easily scale applications up or down.

3. Docker Hub Overview

Docker Hub is an official cloud-based registry where Docker users and partners create, test, store, and distribute container images. It serves as a central repository for finding and sharing container images.

Key Features:

  • Public and Private Repositories: Store images publicly or privately.
  • Image Versions: Manage multiple versions of images.
  • Official Images: Trusted images maintained by Docker and the community.

4. Installing Docker

Steps to Install Docker on Windows:

  1. Download Docker Desktop:
    • Visit the Docker Official Website.
    • Select the appropriate version for Windows (ensure compatibility with your system).
  2. Run the Installer:
    • Locate the downloaded Docker Desktop Installer.exe in your Downloads folder.
    • Double-click to initiate the installation.
  3. Configuration During Installation:
    • Follow the on-screen prompts.
    • Select “Use recommended settings”.
    • If prompted for a profession, select “Student” for free access suitable for learning and practice.
  4. Completion and Restart:
    • Once installation completes, Docker Desktop will prompt you to restart your system.
    • Restart to finalize the installation.
  5. Verify Installation:
    • Open Command Prompt.
    • Run:
    docker version
    docker compose version
    • Ensure both commands return version information without errors.
  6. Troubleshooting:
    • If you encounter errors like “Cannot connect to the Docker daemon,” ensure the Docker service is running:
      • Open Windows Services.
      • Locate Docker Desktop Service.
      • Restart the service if necessary.
      • If issues persist, consider rebooting your system.

5. Basic Docker Commands

Understanding fundamental Docker commands is crucial for managing images and containers effectively.

5.1. Docker Version and Info

  • Check Docker Version:
    docker version
  • Check Docker Compose Version:
    docker compose version
  • Get Docker Info:
    docker info
  • Get Help on Docker Commands:
    docker --help

5.2. Image Management

  • List Docker Images:
    docker images
  • Pull an Image from Docker Hub:
    docker pull <image-name>


    docker pull ubuntu
  • Remove an Image:
    docker rmi <image-id>


    docker rmi a1b2c3d4e5f6

5.3. Container Management

  • List Running Containers:
    docker ps
  • List All Containers (including stopped):
    docker ps -a
  • Run a New Container:
    docker run <image-name>


    docker run ubuntu

    Note: This command pulls the image if not present and creates a container.

  • Start a Container:
    docker start <container-id>
  • Stop a Container:
    docker stop <container-id>
  • Remove a Container:
    docker rm <container-id>
  • Interact with a Running Container:
    docker exec -it <container-id> bash

5.4. System Commands

  • View Docker Statistics:
    docker stats
  • Check Disk Usage by Docker:
    docker system df
  • Prune Docker System (Remove unused data):
    docker system prune -f

    Use these commands with caution as they can remove images and containers.

6. Setting Up Selenium Grid with Docker

Leveraging Docker to set up Selenium Grid simplifies the process of managing the Hub and Nodes. Here’s how to do it:

6.1. Pulling Selenium Images

  1. Selenium Hub:
    docker pull selenium/hub
  2. Selenium Node Chrome:
    docker pull selenium/node-chrome
  3. Selenium Node Firefox:
    docker pull selenium/node-firefox

These images come pre-configured for Selenium Grid integration.

6.2. Creating a Docker Network

To enable communication between the Hub and Nodes, create a dedicated Docker network:

docker network create grid


  • grid: The name assigned to the Docker network. This can be any name of your choice.

6.3. Running Selenium Hub and Nodes

  1. Run Selenium Hub:
    docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --net grid --name selenium-hub selenium/hub
  2. Run Selenium Node Chrome:
    docker run -d --net grid --name chrome-node selenium/node-chrome
  3. Run Selenium Node Firefox:
    docker run -d --net grid --name firefox-node selenium/node-firefox


  • -d: Run container in detached mode.
  • -p 4444:4444: Map port 4444 of the host to port 4444 of the container (for Hub access).
  • --net grid: Connect the container to the “grid” network.
  • --name: Assign a name to the container for easier management.


  • Open http://localhost:4444 in your browser to access the Selenium Grid console.
  • Ensure both Chrome and Firefox Nodes are registered and connected to the Hub.

7. Automating with Docker Compose

Managing multiple Docker containers manually can be cumbersome. Docker Compose streamlines this by allowing you to define and manage multi-container Docker applications using a YAML file.

7.1. Creating a docker-compose.yml File

Create a docker-compose.yml file with the following content:

version: '3'
    image: selenium/hub
    container_name: selenium-hub
      - "4444:4444"
      - grid

    image: selenium/node-chrome
    container_name: chrome-node
      - selenium-hub
      - grid

    image: selenium/node-firefox
    container_name: firefox-node
      - selenium-hub
      - grid

    driver: bridge


  • services: Defines the services (Hub and Nodes) to be managed.
  • depends_on: Ensures that Nodes start after the Hub is up.
  • networks: Assigns containers to the “grid” network.

7.2. Running Docker Compose

  1. Navigate to the Directory:
    cd path/to/docker-compose.yml
  2. Start the Grid Environment:
    docker compose up -d

    This command reads the docker-compose.yml file and starts all defined services in detached mode.


  • Access http://localhost:4444 to confirm that the Hub and Nodes are up and running.
  • Check the Docker Desktop UI or use docker ps to see running containers.

7.3. Scaling Containers

To handle increased test loads, you can scale the number of Node containers.

Scale Chrome Nodes to 3 Instances:

docker compose up -d --scale chrome-node=3


  • --scale chrome-node=3: Creates three instances of the Chrome Node.
  • Note: Ensure that your system has sufficient resources to handle multiple container instances.

8. Executing Automation Tests on Docker-based Grid

With Selenium Grid set up on Docker, configure your automation framework to point to the Grid’s Hub URL (http://localhost:4444/wd/hub). Here’s how you can proceed:

  1. Update Configuration:
    • Ensure your config.properties or equivalent configuration file specifies execution_environment=remote.
    • Set hub_url=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub.
  2. Modify TestNG XML:
    • Create or update a TestNG XML file (e.g., docker-grid.xml) to specify desired capabilities.
    • Sample docker-grid.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
    <suite name="DockerGridSuite" parallel="tests" thread-count="2">
            <listener class-name="com.example.utilities.ExtentReportManager"/>
        <test name="LinuxChromeTests">
            <parameter name="os" value="Linux"/>
            <parameter name="browser" value="chrome"/>
                <class name="com.example.tests.LoginTest"/>
                <class name="com.example.tests.AccountRegistrationTest"/>
        <test name="LinuxFirefoxTests">
            <parameter name="os" value="Linux"/>
            <parameter name="browser" value="firefox"/>
                <class name="com.example.tests.LoginTest"/>
                <class name="com.example.tests.AccountRegistrationTest"/>
  3. Run the Test Suite:
    • Execute the TestNG suite (docker-grid.xml) using your IDE or command line.
    • Tests will be distributed across the available Docker-based Grid Nodes.
  4. Monitor Execution:
    • Access http://localhost:4444 to monitor active sessions and node statuses.
    • Check generated reports for test results.

9. Managing Containers and Cleanup

After completing your test executions, it’s good practice to manage and clean up Docker containers to free up system resources.

Stopping Containers:

  • Stop a Specific Container:
    docker stop <container-id>
  • Stop All Running Containers:
    docker stop $(docker ps -q)

Removing Containers:

  • Remove a Specific Container:
    docker rm <container-id>
  • Remove All Stopped Containers:
    docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Removing Images:

  • Remove a Specific Image:
    docker rmi <image-id>
  • Remove All Images:
    docker rmi $(docker images -q)

Pruning the System:

  • Remove All Unused Data:
    docker system prune -a -f

    Note: Use these commands cautiously as they can remove all your containers and images.

10. Best Practices and Considerations

  1. Use Docker Compose:
    • Automate container setup and management using Docker Compose to reduce manual efforts.
  2. Version Control:
    • Keep your docker-compose.yml under version control for reproducibility and collaboration.
  3. Resource Management:
    • Monitor Docker’s resource usage to prevent system slowdowns, especially when scaling containers.
  4. Security:
    • Regularly update Docker and your images to patch vulnerabilities.
  5. Networking:
    • Utilize Docker networks to isolate environments and enhance communication between containers.
  6. Automated Cleanup:
    • Implement scripts or scheduled tasks to clean up unused containers and images regularly.

11. Conclusion

Integrating Selenium Grid with Docker provides a robust and scalable solution for executing automated tests across diverse environments. By leveraging Docker containers, you can efficiently manage your test infrastructure, reduce setup complexities, and achieve parallel test executions seamlessly.

Next Steps:

  1. Explore Docker Orchestration Tools:
    • Consider using Kubernetes for more advanced container orchestration.
  2. Continuous Integration (CI) Integration:
    • Integrate your Docker-based Selenium Grid with CI tools like Jenkins for automated test pipelines.
  3. Advanced Docker Networking:
    • Dive deeper into Docker networking for enhanced container communication and security.

Happy Testing! 🚀