In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into integrating TestNG with Selenium WebDriver in Java. TestNG enhances your automation framework by providing robust test management capabilities, enabling you to create scalable, maintainable, and efficient test suites. This section covers everything from installation to best practices, ensuring you can leverage TestNG’s full potential in your Selenium projects.

9. Introduction to TestNG

9.1. What is TestNG?

TestNG is a powerful testing framework inspired by JUnit and NUnit but introduces new functionalities that make it more suitable for modern testing needs, especially in the context of Selenium WebDriver automation. The name TestNG stands for “Test Next Generation.”

Key Features of TestNG:

  • Annotations: Simplifies the way tests are structured and executed.
  • Flexible Test Configuration: Allows grouping, prioritization, parameterization, and parallel execution of tests.
  • Powerful Execution Model: Facilitates running tests in various orders and combinations.
  • Detailed Reporting: Generates comprehensive test reports.
  • Integration with Build Tools: Seamlessly integrates with Maven, Gradle, and CI/CD tools like Jenkins.

Why Use TestNG with Selenium?

While Selenium WebDriver handles browser automation, TestNG complements it by providing a robust framework for:

  • Organizing Test Cases: Structuring tests logically using annotations.
  • Managing Test Execution: Controlling the order, dependencies, and grouping of tests.
  • Handling Test Data: Facilitating parameterization and data-driven testing.
  • Reporting: Generating detailed reports to analyze test outcomes.

10. Installing and Configuring TestNG in Eclipse

10.1. Installing TestNG Plugin in Eclipse

To leverage TestNG’s features within Eclipse, you need to install the TestNG plugin. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open Eclipse IDE.
  2. Navigate to Help > Eclipse Marketplace.
  3. Search for “TestNG”:
    • In the search bar, type TestNG and press Enter.
  4. Install the TestNG Plugin:
    • Locate TestNG for Eclipse in the search results.
    • Click the Install button next to it.
  5. Follow the Installation Prompts:
    • Select the latest version and proceed.
    • Accept the license agreements when prompted.
  6. Restart Eclipse:
    • After installation, Eclipse will prompt you to restart. Click Restart Now to complete the installation.


  • After restarting, go to Window > Preferences.
  • You should see a TestNG option in the preferences menu, confirming successful installation.

10.2. Adding TestNG Library to Your Project

Once the TestNG plugin is installed, you need to associate it with your current project to utilize its features.

Method 1: Adding TestNG as a Library

  1. Right-Click on Your Project in the Project Explorer.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Navigate to Java Build Path > Libraries Tab.
  4. Click on Add Library.
  5. Choose TestNG from the list and click Next.
  6. Finish the process by clicking Finish, then Apply and Close.

Method 2: Adding TestNG Dependency via pom.xml (For Maven Projects)

  1. Open pom.xml in your project.
  2. Add the TestNG Dependency:
  3. Save pom.xml:
    • Eclipse will automatically download and integrate the TestNG library based on the Maven configuration.


  • It’s advisable to use both methods—installing the TestNG plugin and adding the dependency via pom.xml. This ensures that TestNG features are available within Eclipse and that Maven can manage the TestNG library, preventing potential discrepancies when running tests outside Eclipse.

11. Writing Test Cases Using TestNG Annotations

11.1. Understanding TestNG Annotations

TestNG uses annotations to define the lifecycle and behavior of test methods. Unlike traditional Java programs that rely on the main method, TestNG utilizes annotations to identify and execute test methods.

Common TestNG Annotations:

  • @Test: Marks a method as a test method.
  • @BeforeSuite / @AfterSuite: Executed before and after the entire test suite.
  • @BeforeClass / @AfterClass: Executed before and after the first and last test method in the current class.
  • @BeforeMethod / @AfterMethod: Executed before and after each test method.
  • @BeforeTest / @AfterTest: Executed before and after any test methods belonging to the classes inside the <test> tag in the XML file.

Focus for Now:

  • @Test Annotation: We’ll primarily focus on this annotation to define our test methods.

11.2. Creating a TestNG Test Class

Let’s create a TestNG test class to automate a simple scenario using Selenium WebDriver.

Scenario: Automate OrangeHRM Login and Logout


  1. Open the OrangeHRM Application.
  2. Verify the Presence of the Logo.
  3. Login to the Application.
  4. Logout from the Application.


  1. Create a New Java Class:
    • Right-Click on Your Package > New > Class.
    • Name the Class: OrangeHRMTest.
    • Do Not Include a main Method.
    • Click Finish.
  2. Define Test Methods with @Test Annotations:
    import org.testng.annotations.Test;
    import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
    import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
    import org.openqa.selenium.By;
    import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
    import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
    public class OrangeHRMTest {
        WebDriver driver;
        public void setup() {
            // Set the path to chromedriver executable
            System.setProperty("", "path_to_chromedriver");
            // Initialize WebDriver
            driver = new ChromeDriver();
            // Maximize the browser window
            // Set implicit wait
            // Launch the application
        @Test(priority = 1)
        public void testLogoPresence() {
            // Locate the logo element
            WebElement logo = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='divLogo']/img"));
            // Verify if the logo is displayed
            boolean isLogoDisplayed = logo.isDisplayed();
            System.out.println("Logo Displayed: " + isLogoDisplayed);
        @Test(priority = 2)
        public void testLogin() {
            // Enter username
            // Enter password
            // Click on Login button
        @Test(priority = 3)
        public void testLogout() throws InterruptedException {
            // Click on the welcome menu
            // Wait for the dropdown to appear
            // Click on Logout
        public void teardown() {
            // Close the browser


    • @BeforeClass Annotation:
      • Executes once before all test methods in the class.
      • Sets up the WebDriver, maximizes the browser, sets implicit wait, and launches the application.
    • @Test Annotation:
      • Marks methods as test cases.
      • priority Attribute: Determines the order of test execution. Lower numbers have higher priority.
    • @AfterClass Annotation:
      • Executes once after all test methods in the class.
      • Closes the browser.


    • No main Method: TestNG identifies and runs test methods based on annotations, eliminating the need for a main method.
    • Import Statements: Ensure that TestNG annotations are imported from org.testng.annotations.

11.3. Executing TestNG Test Methods

  1. Run as TestNG Test:
    • Right-Click on the Test Class (OrangeHRMTest) > Run As > TestNG Test.
    • Observe the Console Output:
    Logo Displayed: true
  2. Understanding Test Execution Order:
    • Without Priorities: TestNG executes test methods in alphabetical order based on method names.
    • With Priorities: TestNG executes test methods based on the priority assigned. Lower priority numbers execute first.
  3. Handling Execution Order Issues:
    • If test methods depend on a specific sequence (e.g., login must occur before logout), using priorities ensures correct execution order, preventing failures due to method sequence.

12. Managing Test Execution Order with Priorities

12.1. Default Execution Order

By default, TestNG executes test methods in alphabetical order based on their method names. For example:

public void alphaTest() { }

public void betaTest() { }

public void gammaTest() { }

Execution Order: alphaTest → betaTest → gammaTest

12.2. Controlling Execution Order with Priority

To define a specific execution order, use the priority attribute within the @Test annotation.

@Test(priority = 1)
public void openApp() { }

@Test(priority = 2)
public void login() { }

@Test(priority = 3)
public void logout() { }

Execution Order: openApp → login → logout

Key Points:

  1. Priority Values:
    • Lower numbers have higher priority.
    • Priorities do not need to be consecutive.
  2. Non-Consecutive Priorities:
    @Test(priority = 10)
    public void stepOne() { }
    @Test(priority = 50)
    public void stepTwo() { }
    @Test(priority = 200)
    public void stepThree() { }

    Execution Order: stepOne → stepTwo → stepThree

  3. Negative Priorities:
    @Test(priority = -1)
    public void preSetup() { }
    @Test(priority = 0)
    public void openApp() { }
    @Test(priority = 1)
    public void login() { }

    Execution Order: preSetup → openApp → login

  4. Same Priority Values:If multiple methods share the same priority, TestNG executes them in alphabetical order.
    @Test(priority = 1)
    public void login() { }
    @Test(priority = 1)
    public void navigateToDashboard() { }
    @Test(priority = 1)
    public void verifyUserProfile() { }

    Execution Order:

    1. login
    2. navigateToDashboard
    3. verifyUserProfile

12.3. Default Priority

If a test method does not specify a priority, TestNG assigns it a default priority of 0.

public void defaultPriorityTest() { }

@Test(priority = 1)
public void higherPriorityTest() { }

@Test(priority = -1)
public void lowerPriorityTest() { }

Execution Order:

  1. lowerPriorityTest (priority -1)
  2. defaultPriorityTest (priority 0)
  3. higherPriorityTest (priority 1)

12.4. Practical Example

Let’s revisit the OrangeHRMTest class with priorities:

public class OrangeHRMTest {
    WebDriver driver;

    public void setup() {
        // Setup code as before

    @Test(priority = 1)
    public void testLogoPresence() {
        // Test code as before

    @Test(priority = 2)
    public void testLogin() {
        // Test code as before

    @Test(priority = 3)
    public void testLogout() throws InterruptedException {
        // Test code as before

    public void teardown() {
        // Teardown code as before

Execution Order: testLogoPresence → testLogin → testLogout

13. Creating and Running TestNG XML Suites

13.1. Understanding TestNG XML Suites

TestNG uses an XML configuration file (commonly named testng.xml) to define and control the execution of test suites. This file allows you to specify:

  • Which tests to run
  • Test execution order
  • Grouping of tests
  • Parallel execution
  • Parameters for tests

Hierarchy of TestNG XML:

  • <suite>: The root element representing the entire test suite.
  • <test>: Represents a single test containing one or more classes.
  • <classes>: Contains the classes that include test methods.
  • <class>: Specifies a single test class.

13.2. Automatically Generating TestNG XML

TestNG plugin in Eclipse provides an easy way to generate the XML suite file.

  1. Select the Test Class:
    • In the Project Explorer, select the package containing your test classes (e.g., day42).
  2. Convert to TestNG:
    • Right-Click on the package.
    • Navigate to TestNG > Convert to TestNG.
  3. Configure XML Generation:
    • A dialog will appear prompting you to specify details for the XML file.
    • Test Name: Assign a meaningful name (e.g., MySuite).
    • Classes: Ensure all desired test classes are selected.
    • Location: Choose where to save the XML file (e.g., inside the src/testjava/day42 package).
  4. Finish:
    • Click Finish to generate the testng.xml file.

Result: An XML file named testng.xml is created with a basic structure, including the selected test classes.

13.3. Manually Creating a TestNG XML

You can also create a TestNG XML suite manually to have finer control over test execution.

  1. Create a New XML File:
    • Right-Click on the desired package (e.g., day42) > New > File.
    • Name the File: myTestSuite.xml.
    • Click Finish.
  2. Define the XML Structure:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
    <suite name="MySuite">
        <test name="OrangeHRMTests">
                <class name="day42.OrangeHRMTest"/>
                <!-- Add more classes as needed -->
  3. Adding Multiple Test Cases:To include multiple test classes within the same suite:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
    <suite name="MySuite">
        <test name="OrangeHRMTests">
                <class name="day42.OrangeHRMTest"/>
                <class name="day42.AnotherTestClass"/>
                <!-- Add more classes as needed -->
  4. Executing Multiple Test Cases as a Group:You can define multiple <test> tags within a <suite> to run different groups or sets of tests.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
    <suite name="MySuite">
        <test name="LoginTests">
                <class name="day42.LoginTest"/>
        <test name="LogoutTests">
                <class name="day42.LogoutTest"/>

13.4. Running TestNG XML Suites

  1. Locate the XML File:
    • Find the testng.xml or your custom suite XML file (myTestSuite.xml) in the Project Explorer.
  2. Run as TestNG Suite:
    • Right-Click on the XML file.
    • Select Run As > TestNG Suite.
  3. Observe Execution:
    • TestNG will execute the specified test classes in the defined order.
    • Console output and TestNG reports will be generated accordingly.

13.5. Benefits of Using TestNG XML Suites

  • Batch Execution: Run multiple test classes and methods in a single execution.
  • Grouping Tests: Execute specific groups of tests based on functional areas (e.g., Smoke, Regression).
  • Parallel Execution: Run tests concurrently to save time.
  • Parameterization: Pass parameters to test methods from the XML file.
  • Customized Reports: Control report generation through XML configurations.

14. Generating and Understanding TestNG Reports

TestNG automatically generates reports after test execution, providing insights into test outcomes.

14.1. Types of TestNG Reports

  1. Emailable Report (emailable-report.html):
    • Location: test-output/emailable-report.html
    • Features:
      • Summarizes test results.
      • Highlights passed, failed, and skipped tests.
      • Suitable for quick email sharing.
  2. Index Report (index.html):
    • Location: test-output/index.html
    • Features:
      • Detailed hierarchical view of test execution.
      • Shows execution order, status, and time taken for each test method.
      • Provides links to detailed reports for individual tests.

14.2. Accessing TestNG Reports

  1. Refresh Project:
    • After test execution, right-click on the project and select Refresh to update the test-output folder.
  2. Open Emailable Report:
    • Navigate to test-output/emailable-report.html.
    • Right-Click on the file > Open With > System Editor (or your preferred browser).
  3. Open Index Report:
    • Navigate to test-output/index.html.
    • Right-Click on the file > Open With > System Editor (or your preferred browser).

Understanding the Reports:

  • Passed Tests: Displayed in green.
  • Failed Tests: Displayed in red with error messages and stack traces.
  • Skipped Tests: Displayed in yellow, indicating tests that were not executed due to dependencies or failures in prerequisite tests.

14.3. Customizing Reports with TestNG XML

You can enhance report generation by configuring the TestNG XML suite file.

Example: Enabling Verbose Logging and Report Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="MySuite" verbose="2">
    <test name="OrangeHRMTests">
            <class name="day42.OrangeHRMTest"/>


  • verbose: Controls the level of logging.
    • 0 – No output.
    • 1 – Default level.
    • 2 – Detailed information.

Example: Enabling Parallel Execution

<suite name="MySuite" parallel="tests" thread-count="2">
    <!-- Test definitions -->
  • parallel: Specifies the parallel execution mode (e.g., tests, classes, methods).
  • thread-count: Defines the number of threads to be used.

Note: Parallel execution can significantly reduce test execution time but requires thread-safe test code.

15. Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

15.1. Best Practices

  1. Use Meaningful Test Method Names:
    • Reflect the purpose of the test.
    • Example: verifyLoginFunctionality(), testLogoPresence().
  2. Leverage TestNG Annotations Appropriately:
    • Utilize @BeforeClass, @AfterClass, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod for setup and teardown processes.
    • Keep test methods independent to ensure reliability.
  3. Manage WebDriver Instances Effectively:
    • Use @BeforeClass to initialize WebDriver.
    • Use @AfterClass to quit WebDriver.
    • Avoid creating multiple instances unnecessarily.
  4. Implement Robust Exception Handling:
    • Use try-catch blocks where appropriate to handle unexpected issues.
    • Ensure resources are properly closed in @AfterClass.
  5. Utilize TestNG XML for Flexible Test Execution:
    • Define suites and tests to run specific sets of test cases.
    • Use parallel execution judiciously to optimize test runs.
  6. Incorporate Assertions for Validations:
    • Use TestNG’s Assert class to validate test outcomes.
    • Example: Assert.assertTrue(isLogoDisplayed, "Logo is not displayed!");
  7. Maintain Clear Project Structure:
    • Organize test classes, utilities, and resources logically.
    • Use packages to group related test cases.
  8. Integrate with Build Tools and CI/CD Pipelines:
    • Use Maven or Gradle for dependency management.
    • Incorporate TestNG tests into CI/CD workflows for automated testing.

15.2. Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

  1. Incorrect WebDriver Scope:
    • Issue: Defining WebDriver as a local variable inside test methods, making it inaccessible across methods.
    • Solution: Define WebDriver as a class-level variable to ensure accessibility in all test methods.
  2. Ignoring Implicit and Explicit Waits:
    • Issue: Tests failing due to elements not being loaded in time.
    • Solution: Implement implicit waits (driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait) and consider using explicit waits (WebDriverWait) for better synchronization.
  3. Not Using Assertions:
    • Issue: Tests pass without validating actual outcomes.
    • Solution: Incorporate assertions to validate expected results against actual outcomes.
  4. Hardcoding Test Data:
    • Issue: Reduces flexibility and maintainability.
    • Solution: Use parameterization and external data sources (e.g., Excel, Properties files) to manage test data.
  5. Overusing Thread.sleep():
    • Issue: Leads to longer test execution times and less efficient synchronization.
    • Solution: Prefer using explicit waits (WebDriverWait) over fixed delays.
  6. Poor Naming Conventions:
    • Issue: Makes test maintenance difficult.
    • Solution: Use clear and descriptive names for test classes and methods.
  7. Not Handling Test Dependencies:
    • Issue: Tests may fail if dependent tests are skipped or fail.
    • Solution: Use dependsOnMethods attribute in @Test annotations to manage dependencies.
  8. Ignoring Test Reports:
    • Issue: Lack of visibility into test execution and failures.
    • Solution: Regularly review TestNG reports to identify and address issues promptly.

16. Conclusion

Integrating TestNG with Selenium WebDriver enhances your automation framework by providing robust test management capabilities. By leveraging TestNG’s annotations, XML suites, and reporting features, you can create scalable, maintainable, and efficient test suites.

Key Takeaways:

  • TestNG Enhances Test Management: Offers annotations, prioritization, grouping, and parameterization for structured test execution.
  • Flexible Test Execution: XML suites allow running single or multiple test cases with customized configurations.
  • Detailed Reporting: Automatic report generation aids in analyzing test outcomes and identifying issues.
  • Best Practices Ensure Reliability: Proper setup, exception handling, and assertions are crucial for effective testing.

Next Steps:

  1. Explore Advanced TestNG Features:
    • Learn about data providers (@DataProvider) for data-driven testing.
    • Understand test dependencies and grouping strategies.
  2. Implement Page Object Model (POM):
    • Enhance test maintainability by adopting POM for managing web elements and actions.
  3. Integrate with Continuous Integration (CI) Tools:
    • Automate test executions using CI tools like Jenkins to ensure continuous testing.
  4. Enhance Reporting Mechanisms:
    • Integrate advanced reporting tools like ExtentReports or Allure for more detailed and visually appealing reports.
  5. Parameterize Tests:
    • Use TestNG’s parameterization to run tests with different data sets and configurations.
  6. Parallel Testing:
    • Configure TestNG to run tests in parallel, optimizing execution time.

Happy Testing! 🚀