Welcome to the continuation of your Selenium WebDriver with Java series! In our previous sessions, we’ve covered the fundamental locators such as ID, Name, Link Text, Partial Link Text, Tag Name, Class Name, and CSS Selectors. Today, we’ll delve into XPath Locators, an essential tool for identifying web elements in automation projects. We’ll explore what XPath is, the differences between Absolute and Relative XPath, how to craft effective XPath expressions, and strategies to handle dynamic elements.

1. Introduction to XPath

XPath (XML Path Language) is a query language designed to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document. In the context of Selenium WebDriver, XPath is used to locate web elements on a web page, providing a flexible and powerful method for element identification.

Why Use XPath?

  • Versatility: Capable of navigating complex DOM structures.
  • Robustness: Can handle dynamic web elements effectively.
  • Comprehensive: Supports various functions and operators for precise targeting.

2. Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)

Before diving into XPath, it’s crucial to understand the Document Object Model (DOM). The DOM is a programming interface for web documents, representing the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. It is a tree-like structure where each node represents a part of the document (e.g., elements, attributes, text).

Key Points:

  • Dynamic Nature: The DOM is generated and modified at runtime as the browser renders the web page.
  • Element Hierarchy: Elements are organized in a parent-child relationship, forming a hierarchical tree structure.

3. Types of XPath

There are two primary types of XPath locators:

  1. Absolute XPath
  2. Relative XPath

3.1 Absolute XPath

Definition: Absolute XPath provides a complete path from the root element (<html>) down to the target element. It starts with a single slash (/), indicating the root node.




  • Hierarchy-Based: Navigates through each node in the DOM hierarchy.
  • Brittle: Prone to breaking if there’s any change in the DOM structure.
  • Lengthy: Often long and complex, making it hard to maintain.

Usage Scenario: Absolute XPath is generally not recommended due to its fragility and complexity. However, it can be useful in very simple and static pages where the DOM structure is unlikely to change.

3.2 Relative XPath

Definition: Relative XPath starts from the current node or a specific node, not necessarily the root. It begins with double slashes (//), allowing it to search anywhere in the document.




  • Attribute-Based: Utilizes element attributes to locate nodes.
  • Flexible: Less susceptible to DOM changes.
  • Concise: Shorter and easier to read and maintain.

Usage Scenario: Relative XPath is widely preferred in automation projects due to its flexibility and robustness, especially in dynamic web applications.

4. Differences Between Absolute and Relative XPath

Understanding the differences between Absolute and Relative XPath is essential for selecting the right locator strategy.

Aspect Absolute XPath Relative XPath
Starting Point Root node (<html>) Anywhere in the document (//)
Syntax Starts with a single slash (/) Starts with double slashes (//)
Dependence on Hierarchy High – navigates through the entire path Low – relies on specific attributes or paths
Fragility High – breaks with any DOM changes Low – more resilient to changes
Readability Poor – often lengthy and complex Good – concise and attribute-focused
Performance Similar to Relative XPath Similar to Absolute XPath
Use Cases Complex DOM navigation, dynamic elements Complex DOM navigation, dynamic elements

Key Takeaways:

  • Relative XPath is generally preferred due to its flexibility and maintainability.
  • Absolute XPath should be avoided in most cases, especially in complex or frequently changing web applications.

5. Crafting Relative XPath Expressions

Relative XPath offers various strategies to locate elements effectively. Let’s explore different methods to create robust Relative XPath expressions.

5.a Single Attribute

Description: Uses a single attribute to identify the target element.





Usage: When the target element has a unique attribute that can be used for identification.

5.b Multiple Attributes with AND Operator

Description: Combines multiple attributes to uniquely identify an element, ensuring all specified attributes match.


//tagName[@attribute1='value1' and @attribute2='value2']


//input[@name='search' and @placeholder='Search']

Usage: Useful when a single attribute is insufficient to uniquely identify an element.

5.c Using contains() Function

Description: Matches elements whose attribute values contain a specified substring.


//tagName[contains(@attribute, 'substring')]


//input[contains(@name, 'search')]

Usage: Ideal for handling dynamic attributes where part of the attribute value remains constant.

5.d Using starts-with() Function

Description: Matches elements whose attribute values start with a specified substring.


//tagName[starts-with(@attribute, 'substring')]


//input[starts-with(@id, 'search')]

Usage: Effective for elements with dynamic attributes that have a consistent prefix.

6. Handling Dynamic Elements with XPath

In real-world applications, web elements often have dynamic attributes that change with each session or interaction. XPath provides functions like contains() and starts-with() to handle such scenarios.

Scenario: Dynamic ID Attribute

Problem: An element’s ID changes dynamically (e.g., id='startButton1', id='startButton2', etc.).


    • Using starts-with():
//button[starts-with(@id, 'startButton')]
    • Using contains():
//button[contains(@id, 'startButton')]

Explanation: These expressions match any <button> element whose ID starts with or contains the substring 'startButton', regardless of the trailing characters.

7. Chained XPath

Definition: A combination of Relative and Absolute XPath expressions to traverse multiple levels in the DOM hierarchy.




  • //div[@id=’logo’]: Relative XPath to locate the <div> with id='logo'.
  • /a/img: Absolute XPath from the <div> to the child <a> tag and then to the <img> tag.

Usage Scenario: When the target element lacks unique attributes, but its parent or ancestor elements have identifiable attributes.

8. Comparison Between XPath and CSS Selectors

Both XPath and CSS Selectors are powerful tools for locating elements in Selenium. Understanding their differences helps in choosing the right locator strategy.

Aspect XPath CSS Selectors
Traversal Bi-directional (can traverse up and down the DOM) Unidirectional (top-down only)
Syntax Complexity More verbose and complex Simpler and more concise
Functions Supports functions like contains(), starts-with(), text() Limited function support (no contains(), etc.)
Performance Slightly slower in some browsers Generally faster
Use Cases Complex DOM navigation, dynamic elements Simpler element identification, CSS styling

Key Takeaways:

  • XPath is more versatile, especially for complex element relationships and dynamic attributes.
  • CSS Selectors are faster and simpler, suitable for straightforward element identification.

9. Best Practices for Using XPath

  1. Prefer Relative XPath: Due to its flexibility and maintainability.
  2. Use Unique Attributes: Leverage IDs and unique class names where possible.
  3. Avoid Long Hierarchical Paths: Keep XPath expressions concise to reduce fragility.
  4. Utilize Functions Wisely: Employ contains() and starts-with() for dynamic attributes.
  5. Test XPath Expressions: Use browser DevTools and SelectorHub to validate XPath before implementation.
  6. Maintain Consistency: Stick to a consistent strategy for writing XPath expressions.
  7. Handle Dynamic Elements: Incorporate strategies to manage elements with changing attributes.

10. Practical Examples in Selenium with Java

Let’s apply what we’ve learned with practical Selenium WebDriver examples using Java.

10.1 Example 1: Relative XPath with Single Attribute

Objective: Locate the search box using a single attribute and enter text.


import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

public class XPathDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Step 1: Launch Chrome Browser
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

        // Step 2: Open the application URL

        // Step 3: Maximize the browser window

        // Step 4: Locate the search box using Relative XPath with single attribute
        WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='search']"));
        searchBox.sendKeys("Selenium Books");

        // Optional: Close the browser


  • XPath: //input[@name='search'] targets the <input> element with name='search'.
  • Action: Enters “Selenium Books” into the search box.

10.2 Example 2: Relative XPath with Multiple Attributes and AND Operator

Objective: Locate the search box using multiple attributes and enter text.


// Inside the main method after maximizing the browser
WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='search' and @placeholder='Search']"));
searchBox.sendKeys("Java Programming");


  • XPath: //input[@name='search' and @placeholder='Search'] targets the <input> element with both name='search' and placeholder='Search'.
  • Action: Enters “Java Programming” into the search box.

10.3 Example 3: Relative XPath Using contains()

Objective: Locate the search box using a partial match on the placeholder attribute and enter text.


WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[contains(@placeholder, 'Sea')]"));
searchBox.sendKeys("Test Automation");


  • XPath: //input[contains(@placeholder, 'Sea')] matches any <input> element where the placeholder attribute contains the substring 'Sea'.
  • Action: Enters “Test Automation” into the search box.

10.4 Example 4: Relative XPath Using starts-with()

Objective: Locate a button whose ID starts with ‘startButton’ and perform a click action.


WebElement startButton = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//button[starts-with(@id, 'startButton')]"));


  • XPath: //button[starts-with(@id, 'startButton')] targets any <button> element with an id that starts with 'startButton'.
  • Action: Clicks the start button.

10.5 Example 5: Chained XPath

Objective: Locate an image within a specific div that has an ID, and verify its display status.


WebElement logoImage = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='logo']/a/img"));
boolean isDisplayed = logoImage.isDisplayed();
System.out.println("Logo Image Displayed: " + isDisplayed);


  • XPath: //div[@id='logo']/a/img navigates from the <div> with id='logo' to its child <a> tag, and then to the <img> tag.
  • Action: Checks if the logo image is displayed and prints the status.

9. Best Practices for Using XPath

  1. Prefer Relative XPath: Due to its flexibility and maintainability.
  2. Use Unique Attributes: Leverage IDs and unique class names where possible.
  3. Avoid Long Hierarchical Paths: Keep XPath expressions concise to reduce fragility.
  4. Utilize Functions Wisely: Employ contains() and starts-with() for dynamic attributes.
  5. Test XPath Expressions: Use browser DevTools and SelectorHub to validate XPath before implementation.
  6. Maintain Consistency: Stick to a consistent strategy for writing XPath expressions.
  7. Handle Dynamic Elements: Incorporate strategies to manage elements with changing attributes.

11. Assignment

Objective: Apply your understanding of XPath by automating interactions on the OpenCart demo website.


  1. Locate Elements Using Different XPath Strategies:
    • Single Attribute:
      • Locate the search box using //input[@name='search'].
      • Enter the text “Laptop”.
    • Multiple Attributes with AND Operator:
      • Locate the “Desktops” link using //a[@href='/desktops'] (assuming the href is unique).
      • Click on the link.
    • Using contains() Function:
      • Locate the search button using //button[contains(@class, 'search-button')].
      • Click the search button.
    • Using starts-with() Function:
      • Locate a start/stop button with dynamic ID using //button[starts-with(@id, 'startButton')].
      • Perform click actions based on the button’s state.
  2. Handle Dynamic Elements:
    • Implement strategies to locate elements with dynamic attributes using contains() or starts-with() functions.
    • Example Scenario: A start/stop button whose ID changes dynamically (e.g., id='startButton1', id='startButton2').
  3. Chained XPath:
    • Locate elements by navigating through parent and child elements when direct attributes are unavailable.
    • Example: Locate an image within a <div> with a specific ID.
  4. Validation and Exception Handling:
    • Ensure that your XPath expressions uniquely identify elements.
    • Handle exceptions gracefully to prevent script termination.
  5. Enhance Your Automation Script:
    • Incorporate the located elements into a comprehensive automation script.
    • Perform actions such as entering text, clicking links, and verifying page navigation.


  • Create a new Java class (e.g., XPathAssignment) in your Selenium project.
  • Implement the tasks with clear comments explaining each step.
  • Run the script to ensure all XPath locators work as intended.
  • Optionally, share your script with peers or instructors for feedback.

Example Structure:

public class XPathAssignment {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Initialize WebDriver and navigate to URL

        // Task 1: Single Attribute - Locate search box and enter text

        // Task 2: Multiple Attributes - Locate 'Desktops' link and click

        // Task 3: Contains Function - Locate search button and click

        // Task 4: Starts-with Function - Locate dynamic start/stop button and perform actions

        // Handle Exceptions

        // Close the browser


  • Use driver.navigate().back() to return to the homepage after navigation.
  • Utilize getAttribute("attributeName") to retrieve attribute values.
  • Employ try-catch blocks to handle potential exceptions.
  • Regularly verify XPath expressions using browser DevTools and SelectorHub during development.

12. Next Steps

Congratulations on mastering XPath locators! Understanding XPath’s versatility and power significantly enhances your ability to interact with complex and dynamic web elements in automation projects.

Upcoming Topics:

  1. Advanced XPath Techniques:
    • XPath Axes: Navigating relationships like parent, child, sibling.
    • Using following, preceding, ancestor, and descendant axes.
  2. Integration with Test Frameworks:
    • TestNG: Structuring tests with annotations and assertions.
    • Page Object Model (POM): Designing maintainable and scalable test frameworks.
  3. Handling Advanced Web Elements:
    • Shadow DOM: Strategies for interacting with Shadow DOM elements.
    • Frames and Windows: Switching contexts in Selenium.
  4. Performance Optimization:
    • Efficient Locator Strategies: Balancing speed and reliability.
    • Best Practices for Large Test Suites.

Stay tuned and continue practicing your XPath strategies to build a strong foundation for your automation expertise!


XPath is a powerful and flexible tool in the Selenium WebDriver arsenal, enabling precise and robust identification of web elements. By mastering both Absolute and Relative XPath, along with functions like contains() and starts-with(), you can navigate complex DOM structures and handle dynamic web elements effectively.

Remember to adhere to best practices by favoring Relative XPath, utilizing unique attributes, and keeping your expressions concise. Incorporating tools like SelectorHub can further streamline the locator creation process, enhancing your automation workflow’s efficiency and reliability.

Continue experimenting with different XPath strategies, explore advanced techniques in upcoming sessions, and apply your knowledge through practical assignments to solidify your understanding and skills.

Happy automating!